+971 4 304 0222

Do you have a valid UAE liquor license?

Unfortunately you cannot place an order with a valid UAE liquor license, please click here to inquire for further information on obtaining a license

Invoice Payment

If you wish to settle the payment online by card please contact our Finance Team binitas@mmi.ae for the payment link

Age Verification

In order to enter the MMI Diplomatic website you must be of legal drinking age and understand that this site contains references to alcohol.

Before proceeding, please confirm that you understand this statement and you are of legal drinking age.


Short Stories About Wine (I)

Mauris non ipsum a orci lacinia mollis eget vitae ex. Donec dictum dui dolor, eget ultricies tellus convallis quis. Duis nisl velit, fermentum eu sodales in, interdum a mi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis accumsan, leo vitae vestibulum sagittis, magna nibh pulvinar risus, eget feugiat augue arcu et nisl. Aenean ultrices placerat dolor a lacinia. Aliquam interdum egestas tellus id commodo. Aenean faucibus libero vehicula molestie accumsan. Praesent lobortis ex id sem mollis pulvinar. Integer nec fermentum ex. Nullam consequat lorem ac urna accumsan efficitur. Etiam cursus felis non est tempus congue. Integer rhoncus nulla a rhoncus fringilla. Suspendisse scelerisque velit eget dolor laoreet, sed vehicula lorem laoreet.

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*Residents: Don’t forget to present your valid liquor licence, it must the same as the one used when placing your order online.
Tourists: Make sure you provide your passport details and present the original upon delivery.

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